Deluxe Accessory Package made for families that want to use their Mini Jumparoo outdoors!
1 Rope Swing
1 set of 6 Bumper Pads
1 Mini Tube Cover
1 Turret Sprinkler
1 Mini Weather Cover
** Please note that this package is the ACCESSORIES ONLY and the Jungle Jumparoo is a separate purchase**
The Jungle Rope Swing is a custom-made trapeze that attaches to the upper frame and allows children to swing, twist and spin without a tangled rope. It’s a favorite addition to any Jumparoo and opens up the door to even more games and ideas for play.
Favorite Features:
Safe for indoor and outdoor use
Easily attaches to the top of Jungle Jumparoo
A fun way for kids to get exercise
All-season fun
Super tough and durable
Recommended for ages 3 and older
The Jungle Jumparoo Bumper Pads are designed to cover the screws on the top octagon of the Large and Mini Jumparoo. The Bumper Pads provide protection for little hands, cushion around the octagon and complete the aesthetic of the Jumparoo.
Product Specifications: Material is foam inside a nylon sleeve with Velcro lockers.
Made for our Mini Jungle Jumparoo, our colorful Tube Cover has many benefits.
Keeps little feet cool in the summer heat while protecting the inner tube from harmful UV exposure when the tube is in use outdoors*
Creates a quieter and softer jumping experience by reducing friction of the tube on the poles, and extra padding under little feet!
Adds traction to the inner tube while using our Turret Sprinkler attachment
It helps prevent tube bulging, tube splits, and premature rubber rot (on average inner tubes that are used outdoors last 2 times longer when using the Tube Cover)
Product Specifications: Material is made from high-grade neoprene with Velcro lockers.
* The tube cover is not weather or UV proof, and the elements will deteriorate the product, fade the color, and shorten the lifespan. We recommend using the Tube Cover and All-Weather Cover together when keeping your Jungle Jumparoo outdoors.
Take your summer fun up a notch with our Turret Sprinkler. With 5 water patterns, it’s the perfect add-on to The Jungle Jumparoo! Attach to the top of the Jumparoo or put on the ground and your kids will love bouncing in and out of the water stream. Includes buckle connectors for the sprinkler and will connect to a standard water garden hose.
The All-Weather Cover is designed to protect your Jumparoo, Custom Inner Tube, and Tube Cover. The All-Weather Cover helps keep kids off when it's time for dinner, keeps the critters away, and protects the Jumparoo from harmful UV rays and rain.
- To inflate your Inner Tube, you will need a standard air compressor, to ensure proper inflation we recommend using the start\stop method; small burst of air then stop, continue until full. This keeps the tube round and helps the air disperse within the tube evenly. Tube will be firm to the touch, there is no PSI reading on the tube since there is not an outer tire. The tube will stand about 13-15 inches high when properly inflated.
To inflate your Inner Tube, you will need a standard air compressor with an attachment like that used for car tires, to ensure proper inflation we recommend using the start\stop method; small burst of air then stop, continue until full. This keeps the tube round and helps the air disperse within the tube evenly.
- There is NO PSI reading on the tube due to the lack of an outer tire
- The Large Inner tube will stand about 16 inches high and the Mini tube about 12 inches high when properly inflated
- During inflation If you notice any asymmetry in your tube remove any air in the tube and re-inflate slowly using the stop and start air flow method to prevent bulging
- Due to the heavy rubber compound it can take a few weeks for your tube to break-in and may require more air, we recommend filling the tube slowly and adding more as needed. Inflating the tube too quickly or over inflation of the tube will decrease the lifespan and can also cause bulging
- If you encounter a slow leak in your new inner tube it is likely due to a loose inner valve stem core. If this part is not tightened all the way it will allow air to slowly leak over time. Use a small pair of tweezers or the valve tool that came with your Jungle Jumparoo to tighten this part by turning the inner pin in the valve stem clockwise (to the right) until it stops. You can also remove this part to deflate the inner tube quickly by unscrewing this part counterclockwise (to the left). A video is available on our FAQs section of the website to guide you through this process
The Jungle Jumparoo Tube has been specifically developed and tested to withstand the impact of jumping and is made from the heaviest premium rubber compound on the market and there are a few key steps you can take to ensure the lifespan of your Inner Tube:
- Avoid abrasive or corrosive chemicals, such as pool treatment chemicals, motor oil, fertilizer, industrial cleaning solutions, sharp objects, high heels, sports cleats, weed whackers lawn mowers etc.
- Avoid Sunlight/UV exposure, we suggest using the Tube Cover and the All-Weather Cover to protect the Inner Tube when enjoying the Jungle Jumparoo outdoors. Failure to use the Tube Cover when using the Jumparoo outdoors will void the Tube Warranty. The Jungle Jumparoo Tube Cover is not UV resistant and will fade when used outdoors, but adds an extra layer of protection, helps prevent tube splits, premature rubber rot due to UV exposure, asymmetry, adds traction when using the Turret Sprinkler and protect little feet from a hot tube
- Avoid extreme temperatures hot and cold, remove air for the hotter summer months
- Under inflation or Over inflation, long periods of non-use (such as seasonal storage)
- Inner tubes that are used often will last longer as this maintains the elasticity and flexibility of the rubber. During the manufacturing process, the tube manufacturer adds a protective compound to the rubber formula. Regular use allows the inner tube to flex and compress, pushing this protective substance to the surface. This doesn’t happen in an unused inner tube, so the rubber is more vulnerable to damage from ozone and oxidation. Tubes that are stored over the winter are more likely to have rubber rot and develop holes when inflated in the spring. If you must store the tube deflate, store in a plastic bag in a cool dark location. However, this does not guarantee that there will be no rubber rot.
- Use a UV protectant on your inner tube to increase the lifespan of the tube
- Inspect and tighten all bars and bolts as needed
- You may also use a product called “Loctite” in the threads of your Jungle Jumparoo if you find the bars or bolts are not staying threaded after a single use
- Visually inspect the inner tube for proper inflation.
- Check for any signs of visible damage or wear to the tube.
- Tighten all hardware
- Check all bolts and set screws to ensure they are screwed together tight and properly, set screws should be flush with bar
- Replace any missing bolts or set screws as needed
- Check tube for wear or rubber rot, add or remove air as needed for proper inflation
- Many people do not understand why their tube will suddenly not hold air after being packed away all winter long, the answer is simple. When rubber is not is use it begins to breakdown causing rubber rot. The best thing you can do to prolong the use of your tube is to use it as often as possible!
- Use a UV protectant on your inner tube to increase the lifespan of the tube
- There are various products on the market, this is simply one we have use personally
- If using the Jungle Jumparoo outdoors we recommend wiping the Jungle Jumparoo down with CRL or a similar product then applying a clear sealant coat on the powder coating every season to seal any cracks or wear that may developed over time and use.
- Bring the Jungle Jumparoo indoors at the end of the outdoor season, or when temperatures drop below 40 degrees
- Using the Jungle Jumparoo year round will increase the life of your Inner Tube substantially
- If using the Jungle Jumparoo outdoors we recommend wiping the Jungle Jumparoo down with CRL or a similar product then applying a clear sealant coat on the powder coating every season to seal any cracks or wear that may developed over time and use.
- Leaving the Jungle Jumparoo outdoors in extreme temperatures can cause the powder coating to chip and will drastically reduce the lifespan of the tube even when using the All-Weather Cover.
- The Jungle Jumparoo Tube cover is not UV resistant
- We highly suggest keeping the tube cover covered by a tarp or All-Weather Cover when not in use.
- If necessary wash the tube cover by hand with a neoprene wash and hang to dry.